Nanxi National Park: Reviving Oriental Landscapes

Preserving Tradition and Inspiring Modernity

Nanxi National Park, designed by ZUP China, is a project inspired by the traditional Chinese rural living environment and the philosophy of Fengshui. With a focus on ecological and humanistic care, this park aims to protect and revive the aesthetic landscape while promoting interaction between local people and nature. The park has been recognized for its unique approach to sustainable development and its contribution to the preservation of cultural heritage.

Nanxi National Park draws inspiration from the "Linpan landscape," a traditional Chinese rural living environment that seamlessly integrates farmyards with surrounding natural elements such as trees and rivers. This design philosophy creates an organic whole, where oriental life scenes in ancient towns harmonize with the mysterious valley landscapes.

One of the key strengths of Nanxi National Park is its commitment to ecological conservation and humanistic concern. The design team carefully controlled the floor area ratio based on machine simulations that analyzed ecological sensitivity, hydrological conditions, and geological factors. This approach ensures that the park's development is in harmony with its natural surroundings.

To empower the ancient town and stimulate its vitality, a music events park was established between the town and the river. This innovative addition brings modern activities to the traditional space, creating a dynamic fusion of the past and the present. Musical events are held in the natural landscape, while music training takes place in traditional courtyards, further enriching the cultural experience.

The design of Nanxi National Park also took into account the preservation of traditional residential features and living habits. In-depth social surveys were conducted to understand and respect the local community's values and traditions. This research formed the basis for sustainable development, ensuring that the park's design aligns with the needs and aspirations of the people it serves.

The project faced the challenge of balancing conservation with development. While the design team emphasized nature conservation and cultural heritage, local partners expressed a strong desire for development. The solution was to empower the ancient town through music, leveraging its potential to attract visitors and stimulate economic growth. By incorporating modern elements into the traditional space, the design successfully revitalizes traditions while embracing progress.

Nanxi National Park, located in Wenzhou, China, is a testament to the power of design to preserve and enhance the beauty of natural landscapes. It has been included in the Tentative List of World Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage, recognizing its significant contribution to the conservation of both cultural and natural heritage.

This remarkable project, awarded Bronze in the A' City Planning and Urban Design Award in 2023, showcases the ingenuity and creativity of ZUP China. By incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology, Nanxi National Park exemplifies the positive impact that thoughtful design can have on our quality of life and the world around us.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ZUP
Image Credits: Image Copyright: ZUP
Project Team Members: Project Leader: Sang Wanchen Chief Planners: Lei Kang, Wu Xiaochun, Shi Tuo Planners: Fang Junhang, Jin Liang, Sheng Jianfeng, Ji Yiman, Wu Xiajing, Yang Huiying, Liu Manyun
Project Name: Nanxi National Park
Project Client: ZUP

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